From Scotland to your plate
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Fun facts about Scottish food
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From Scotland to your plate
Scottish recipes
Scottish cuisine
Fun facts about Scottish food
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Fun facts about Scottish food
Scotland’s responsible for more than half of gin production in the UK
27/05/2020 07:00
Scotland also has a long history of brewing beer and is home to a growing number of craft breweries.
26/05/2020 07:00
The Scottish beef industry is a creates big incomes for the country. In 2015 it was recorded to bring in more than £675 million a year to the Scottish economy.
25/05/2020 07:00
The USA is the top Scottish salmon importer, with 60 other countries importing Scottish salmon EVERY year.
24/05/2020 07:00
Scottish beef is worth more than Scottish fruit, dairy and poultry combined!
23/05/2020 07:00
France is Scottish salmon's second-biggest market and has awarded Scottish salmon the French government's top-quality award (Label Rouge) for the past 27 years.
22/05/2020 07:00
It was once customary to eat Scottish porridge while standing.
21/05/2020 07:00
In the UK people eat 1 million meals made with fresh Scottish salmon EVERY DAY.
20/05/2020 07:00
40 bottles of Scotch whiskey are shipped overseas EVERY SECOND!
19/05/2020 07:00
Haggis (a traditional scottish meal) has been banned in the USA since 1971 by US Department of Agriculture due to the minor detail of key ingredient of Sheep’s lung being considered an ‘inedible item’ by law.
18/05/2020 07:00
According to a poll of 1,000 US visitors, one-third of Americans that visit Scotland believe haggis to be a real but elusive creature that is actively hunted throughout Scotland.
17/05/2020 07:00
More Scotch Whisky is sold in one month in France than cognac in a year
16/05/2020 07:00
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