16 May

White pudding, oatmeal pudding or (in Scotland) mealy pudding is a meat dish popular in Scotland, Ireland, Northumberland, Iceland, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland.


395gm Pork Shoulder (with plenty of fat)

265gm Medium Oatmeal

250gm Water

30gm Onion

23gm Potato Flour

15gm Salt

18gm Seasoning Mix - see below

Seasoning Mix

5gm White pepper

5gm Ground coriander

5gm Ground ginger

5gm Powdered sage

3gm Mace

3gm Nutmeg

2gm Allspice

Only 18gm of this mix is used in the sausage above.

White pudding-

white pudding

Soak the oatmeal in the water for 1 hour or so. Grind the meat and onion through the fine plate of a mincer, I used a 5mm plate, then add all the other ingredients and mix well. The sausage-meat will be on the stiff side. Stuff into large pigs' casings and boil/steam at 75°C - 80°C for 1 minute per mm of width of the sausage. The final internal temperature of the sausage should be 72°C Hold at this temperature for 2 minutes then cool in ice-cold water. To eat, slice crossways into 5 - 10mm chucks and fry until brown.

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